Building SAFARI

The source code for SAFARI is available on Github at SAFARI Github

You can build SAFARI from the following steps:

git clone SAFARI

This will then generate the executable in ./bin/Release/

Executables generated:

  • Sea-Safari - This is the main SAFARI executable

  • XYZ - used to convert the .xyz files for the single shot trajectories to have a constant timestep, as during the simulation, the timestep is dynamic, which isn’t conducive to producing nice videos.

If there are any issues with building, you might need to modify the CXXFLAGS in makefile depending on the specific hardware.

SAFARI is written using features of C++11, so at least that or higher is required, but otherwise only relies on the standard Libraries in C++11 and OpenMP, so no other dependancies are required to build.

Instructions for Setup and use on WSL in Windows 10

A convienient way to run SAFARI on Windows is using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). These instructions are for use with Ubuntu, as it has a relatively simple installation process on Windows 10.

Step 1: Install Linux on Windows 10

For using Ubuntu, this is fairly simple, you can locate the Ubuntu App in the Microsoft Store, and install from there. You also need to enable the WSL, instructions for this should be on the Ubuntu App page. This process may require a Windows reboot. You should launch it via the Ubuntu App’s store page to do the initial setup.

Once this setup has finished, run the following commands from the Ubuntu App to ensure things are updated:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Next, run the following commands to install g++ and make

sudo apt install g++ make

Step 2: Download and Setup for SAFARI

Once WSL is enabled, and a Lunix distribution is installed, open it to the directory where you want to setup your SAFARI installation. This can be done via either the wsl command in one of the windows terminals, or via shift right clicking in the required directory, and then clicking Open Lunix shell here

In the Linux shell, run the following commands to download the SEA-SAFARI and SAFARI-ANALYSIS repositories.

git clone SAFARI

Next, try making SAFARI:


Once that successfully finishes, copy the Sea-Safari executable from /SAFARI/bin/Release/, and the XYZ executable from /SAFARI/utility_scripts/ to /SAFARI-ANALYSIS/

cd ..
cp ./SAFARI/bin/Release/Sea-Safari ./SAFARI-ANALYSIS/Sea-Safari
cp ./SAFARI/utility_scripts/XYZ ./SAFARI-ANALYSIS/XYZ

Now, try running the test runs for SAFARI.

cd SAFARI/bin/Release

Multithreading Considerations

The maximum number of OpenMP threads for SAFARI is defined in safari.h, via THREADCOUNT, This should be adjusted according to the environment it is used in. XYZ has a corresponding THREADCOUNT in xyz_process.cpp, which is used when smoothing the outputs for use in VMD3.